8 steps to get a position in IT Companies as a Developer!

The first need you think about after graduation is a job related to your degree.
But you may not know the process of finding the right position in the right company.
Here we will discuss the 10 steps you should take to get the job you want.
1. Choosing the right career
Many people who have just graduated have not yet defined a career for themselves.
And many people also start learning programming on their own and change their field and career entirely (like I did).
If you have stepped into the world of programming and you are going to start your career as a programmer, you should know which programming field and stack to choose and become an expert in. Go to Google and find the job requirements for each programming field and stack. Find the percentage of finding the right job, market demand.
2. Fast learning of the selected field
The second step is quick learning related to the chosen field in the first step.
If you haven’t started learning yet you should start looking at related courses and practice mastering what you learn.
But if you have a good knowledge of the stack you have chosen, but you do not know whether it is time to start applying to the companies or not, and you are not satisfied with your knowledge, then take a look at the requirements of job advertisements and the companies work samples. Take part, and try to implement the same example, if you can complete the project by respecting all aspects, then it’s time to start applying.
Don’t try hard to get your first job. What I mean is that if you do not know advanced things such as algorithm, system design, data structure, etc. in depth, you can learn slowly, but after getting the first job and for the next job with better conditions, You should also improve your knowledge. But for the first job, don’t think hard to find enough experience in the field of practical and team work and correct your mistakes.
3. Create a Resume (CV)
After passing the second step and learning and doing various projects during the learning period, if you do not create a good resume, you will not be able to get an interview request from the companies.
So, increase your knowledge to make a resume and make a good resume that properly presents your knowledge and abilities.
In my experience, I have reviewed many resumes and interviewed many different people.
Sometimes I see mistakes in submitted resumes that are really strange and should not be done. So please increase your knowledge in making a good resume based on the laws of the country you live in and maybe the principal of the company you are applying for.
Don’t miss your opportunity by making a bad resume, companies will reject you very soon and an interview opportunity to show yourself will be taken away from you.
4. Create a profile on Linkedin
The next step is to create an account on the LinkedIn website, LinkedIn is a social network for job hunting and recruitment.
This network has helped me many times to find a job, create a suitable profile and put relevant information about yourself and your resume and show that you are looking for a new job position.
You need to create your profile according to your resume, make it attractive enough for recruiters to message you for a job offer.
Creating a good profile on LinkedIn also requires skills that you will get with a search.
Follow various recruiters and HRs and related companies or related connections to get notified when they post a new job position.
If you are at the beginning of the path, you can prepare a cover letter yourself and apply to the companies that if they can open a position for you and enter the interview process and if you are suitable, start your activity in that company.
5. Follow job Websites
In the previous step, we talked about LinkedIn, but there are other good sites in the field of job search that you should also pay attention to.
Websites like indeed, glassdoor and similar websites and even the big companies websites, that you can find by searching.
Always check the websites and never apply for a job position that you are not suitable for so that you will be rejected later and waste your time.
And if you see that the company you like needs another stack, you don’t need to start learning a new stack from the beginning, rest assured that if you are an expert in your stack, you will always have a chance.
6. do Many interviews
For this step, you should refer to the step of creating a resume.
A good resume will bring you many interviews and try to participate in interviews with different people and companies as much as you can, to have enough experience in showing yourself and also find your weaknesses and problems and try to fix them.
If you don’t get an interview after several applications, be sure that you don’t have a good resume and you need to improve it.
By learning the skill of interviewing, you will find your weak points both in the technical and in the hr department.
Sometimes your rejection has nothing to do with the fact that you are not good enough, it may be related to the culture of the company and you are not suitable for it, so never despair and always try to get the position you want.
and about salary expectation, Keep in mind your requested salary according to the market, neither lower nor higher than the society.
Research the salaries of the country and companies where you live
7. Learn Soft Skills
Research about soft skills and try to master it. many times, you will not be able to get that job because you do not have the right soft skills such as communication, presentation and … .
8. Continue to build different projects
You have done the above 7 steps, but you still haven’t found the job you want.
Keep doing different projects to improve your abilities and have a better resume, don’t be disappointed and keep going.
maybe you are more comfortable with freelancer, you can refer to websites related to freelancing jobs and create a suitable profile and start working and get hired in a company whenever the opportunity is right.
In summary, never despair and follow the steps, and these steps may not work for everyone with different situation and may be different for each person according to their situations.
But that’s the general point, keep going to achieve what you want.
Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed it, gimme a clap
Sana Ebadi | 00:18 AM, Saturday , 18 February 2023