See yourself great !!

Sana Ebadi
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


“Make yourself great!” Not just a slogan!

We need to analyze this sentence a bit. See the “See Yourself” section. The question will arise:

Is there anyone who does not see himself ?! You can say: Yes!

Recently, during a research and testing process, scientists came to the conclusion that the problem that most people have is that they do not see themselves!

What does this mean !? In what way should you see yourself ?! Are you focused on yourself and your personality and thoughts or not ?!

Most people spend all their energy and focus on the lives of others and ignore themselves. For example, they feel that the job is more important than themselves or that people and their problems take precedence over their personal lives! it’s wrong. The most important thing should be the person and the person’s life. This does not mean narcissism or selfishness, but it does mean that you should always see yourself as the best. Have a very good image of yourself, because if you do not draw yourself in the best way or do not see yourself at all, you can not imagine a future for yourself. You will always be in the past and lag behind in your updates. And this is a very big problem that a lot of people face.

The problem of these people is not lack of self-confidence! There is a huge difference between self-esteem and self-confidence. To always see yourself as good and the best, and to know your worth and your performance, means that you have self-esteem and credit to your social status and professional life.

Self-confidence means expressing what you do outside of yourself and in the outside world. For example, you learn programming, and in exchange for gaining experience or creating a new product, you gain more confidence.

But self-esteem is an internal matter and has nothing to do with the outside world. For example, you have noticed that some athletes or artists who have been at their peak for a very good time and shone, suddenly come down from the arena and are slowly forgotten. What is the reason for this bitter incident ?! What’s wrong with them !?

The answer is that it is true that these individuals were very powerful in their field of activity and had great skills, but they had a problem with self-esteem. In such a way that they have neglected their skill and ability and reached emptiness and nothingness.

Emotions are completely lost. The person becomes confused. He cannot tell right from wrong, and that’s enough for him to lack self-esteem. As a result, self-esteem has nothing to do with skill or talent. You may be exhausted but you do not have enough self-esteem and that is why you will fall.

A beautiful sentence came to my mind that says:

“It is easy to reach the summit itself, but maintaining the summit is difficult!”

With the help of self-confidence, one can reach the peak, but maintaining that position depends on self-esteem, seeing oneself and feeling the best! Of course, this does not mean false self-confidence!

It is said that even if you do not do big and secret things, but do not see yourself as small, he will always see himself as big. It is possible that all the trivial and worthless things will be a great thing for you. Do not worry about the pressures and difficulties of the path, with the help of self-esteem and imagining a beautiful future, they can be easily overcome!

For example, consider a capable, hard-working, and intelligent person who is going to be interviewed and who always has this fear of not being accepted and being assured of this fear. It is safe to say that this person was defeated without attending the meeting. He has failed internally and has lost his self-esteem.

Do not think that if you do not pass a high-scoring test or win a special prize today, you are a weak and unsuccessful person, these thoughts are completely irrational and wrong. The more you value yourself, the higher your position in life will be!

Self-confidence is like flames, (hence we attribute red to it). The more you shake the flames, the more the fire will go out. And this is the result of having high self-esteem without self-esteem!

But now self-esteem is like a tree, (hence we attribute the color green to it). It will be difficult and difficult. And that’s the result of having high self-esteem, the more you value yourself and your time, the more mature you will be.

In the end, we answer the question: “What is the use of real magnification ?!”

- You will remember comfort. You enjoy your life and you live it literally.

- The unconstructive comments and criticisms of others become worthless. The more you achieve your personality, life, and self-esteem, ignore the negative views of others, you will grow on your own, and vice versa! Self-confidence is enhanced by external factors and self-esteem by internal factors.

- You can easily decide for your future and walk calmly to achieve your goals.

Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed it, gimme a clap

Sana Ebadi | 17:07 PM, Thursday, 17 February 2022

